Monday, February 11, 2013


1) I was trying to be more realistic in my painting but soon realized from my first self portrait that I wasn't very good at it and I didn't enjoy it. So with this one I just decided to use different textured brushes and let them stand out.
2) I learned that using different brushes keeps my attention while painting. I also learned how to sketch on top of a picture, which is probably basic.
3) I do need help with blending. I think thats why I find realistically painting so hard.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking good. I suggest you use a more of a piant brush style brush, one that can go on smooth and has a tiny bit of texture ( spatter 39 pixels brush works good). Once you paint the main colors you can blend them together by having a opacity sensitive brush and slowly overlapping the colors and using your eye dropper to grab the new color created from the overlap. Keep doing this until it smooths out to how you like it. Hope this helped!
