Sunday, February 10, 2013

Self Portrait 2 WIP

I wanted to keep the light soft and the details subtle, and its turning out that it is taking longer than expected.  The eyedropper tool was a tool that I've used alongside the paintbrush (opacity 15%, flow 84%).  One thing I needed help with was blending the shadow from my finger on my face, it was difficult to get the darkness to bland with such a bright contrast.  It just needs a bit more time spent on it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Travis, I'm liking what I'm seeing from this portrait. One suggestion I could make that could possibly help you is to look at the lighting on your hand. It looks as if that spot might give you problems because of the subtly you are trying to achieve. On your right ear there is a really dark shadow in the original image but for what you're going for I don't think it would be anything major. Just try to play on the contrast between the shirt, neck, and hand.
