Monday, February 11, 2013

This is my second self-portrait. I decided to have some fun with it and recreate myself as a centaur...
My intent was to still have the face recognizable as myself, and to keep the identity of the figure as the key focus of the painting. I tried to do this using the lighting to emphasize the more human part [me]. There are still parts that need refining, and the detail work is not finished, but hopefully that will be complete soon! I am also considering including a setting as the background, though I'm not sure if that is necessary.
This second image included is what I used for reference. I hope that my identity is still recognizable and carried over from the photograph, but other than that, I wasn't trying to capture any other representational elements.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Adam, I love the fuzzy brush that you used on the horse. The only thing I'd add is some cast shadows on the face, where the helmet touches it. That way it won't look "Photoshopped" into the picture.
