Sunday, February 10, 2013

Self Portrait II

This is me and my cat Pippin. I've always wished she was that big so this SP was the chance to express my emotions visually :P

What I learned while making this piece is painting light differently and faking some of the lighting direction to match the theme of the painting. I also learned to paint using the new style I learned from that guy who lectured in our class that one time (which I forgot his name, sorry!!) I really like that technique - lowering the opacity and the flow and going back and forth. I don't think I really like Charlie Bowater's technique - I don't understand it.

It's very close to being done but I have to adjust for some lighting issues and detail the back and foreground. I'll take any suggestions to improve it! Stuff that I'd like to see improved I guess is the lighting maybe, adding some point of visual interest somewhere, and what things to put more details in, the stupid trees... Also maybe more variation of color. I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. I like the large cat alot. I really like how you made the grass in the foreground a sillouette rather than painting the whole thing blade by blade. I like the light rays alot. I think making them get a little stronger and thinner in spots. Like maybe its light passing through a hole in a tree of leaves. The background doesn't demand a whole lot of attention since it's so faded but more development would be nice. I like the blue/ turquoise in it though. The shadow under your legs is also kind of grey and could use a color accent. I also like the eyes of the cat. Overall it looks pretty happy.
