Monday, February 11, 2013

Self Portrait WIP

I intend this portrait to convey an eerie message. I learned a lot about different kinds of brushes. I do not like my nose, my hair and my upper lip. I also need to work on my chin and cheeks.


  1. I really like your background. It has so much detail!

    It seems like you have a nice start for your image. The eyes are looking really good, they really pop. I'm not sure what parts you consider finished, but the lips definitely need more detail. I also think the shirt could use a lot more shadows. It looks really flat right now. The eyebrows have a nice natural looking shape and once they are as detailed as the hair, it'll look a lot more finished! And maybe blend the shadows around your nose a bit more?

  2. Another thing, you can see the background through your face so maybe add some solid color with full opacity behind the face layers to make it not see though!
