Monday, February 11, 2013

Intention: to develop and explore more of what I have previously learned from self-portrait 1. It was also a chance for me to get comfortable withe the tablet
Learn: I learn to used the hot keys a bit more efficiently, and took advantage of the photo reference as a way to keep my proportions correct
Needing more help on: I'm having trouble getting the right brush and settings that would allow all my colors to blend better.

1 comment:

  1. Looking nice so far! A couple suggestions: right now there seems to be a little too much contrast on parts of your skin (especially your cheek, forehead, and chin). You might make the darker part a bit lighter. Nice brush stroke on the hair- you could ad a little more red onto the far left and far right sides. If you make the background darker I think those thin lit up hairs will look really nice. Also, I would go for a lighter line between the front of your teeth. Great job so far though!
