Monday, February 11, 2013

Self Portrait 2 WIP

Self portrait 2 -still needs a lot of work. It is really rough particularly in the hair and a lot of the skin looks too smooth. I also really need to work on how to connect the hair to my head. I think i also need to edit the orb to make it look more like its emanating light - it is not bright or glowy enough. I really wanted to create a piece that included the main light source in the picture and experiment with hair in photoshop. I really need to learn how to polish stuff, particularly the hair. One of the major things I think I improved on in this piece was the blending of the skin. I particularly like how it turned out in the neck region.


  1. You are way talented. Honestly, as you said, the hair is the main thing to improve on. Especially the large group of hair below your chin. It looks like it's floating there with little connection to the hair on your head. Maybe it just gets to dark to the left of your chin? The glow and sin tones look awesome. My favorite part is the smoke though, just because it looks so cool.

  2. The way you made the skin look red and translucent in your fingers and hand region is very believable. I think the general shape of the hair makes sense but, yes, I feel a bit of texturing would polish it up. Also, the blue light emanating from the orb would be more believable if it was reflected in parts of the hair perhaps. But yes, as Ben said, you are seriously talented.
