Monday, February 11, 2013

Self Portrait 2

My objective was to make me look like a serial killer/pycho in a creepy room.

Still need to add highlights and shadows to hair. Not sure about background, need to work more on that. Maybe darken shadows on face? Need to add more freckles.

I learned a lot. I noticed the different colors in the face red/green/orange and mainly shaded with a blue value then blended it in. Texture brushes are very helpful to make an image look less plastic.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way this turned out. You have great color in your skin on your face. I think you could use more colors in the neck though -particularly more of the orangey-peach you used in areas of your face. On the background there is this brown shape right next to your head that is almost the exact same color as your hair though that I think you should probably fix. Also on your background the lines of the tiles seem to end when they approach the top of your head so you might want to fix that too. Those are really picky things though and overall I think you did amazingly!You could also add some different tones to your hair too if you wanted.
