Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Concept Art WIP

REALLY rough right now -you should probably look at it small to understand what's going on.

Concept art WIP

I just like fiery-looking icicles (the red things hanging down from the columns).

some speed paintings and stuff

i think i might like to work on this speed painting some more

 needs some work with the atmospheric perspective

a speed painting

 i dont like this one (speed painting that died)

this is the one ill probably keep working on

concept speed painting

probably going to scratch it.

Monday's 20 minute speedpaint

This is a potential concept I did in class for Monday's idea/critique thing.
I don't especially like it and will probably dump it.

WIP Concept

Concept Art WIP (2)

Just added a little more detail and refinement on this pass, as well as some figures in the foreground of the bottom painting.... not sure if I really like the composition of the top painting so much....

concept sketch WIP

Concept Art WIP

Monday, February 25, 2013

Adding texture with blending modes

Hey, the example I showed you today wasn't great because it was just a blob so it was tough to see how the texture really affected it. Here's a good video that illustrates better what I was talking about.


Mountain Tutorial

I found this tutorial online, could be helpful for people doing mountain landscapes for their concept art.


Your digital painting class: MSC Visual Arts Committee is hosting its annual art competition, ArtFest, open to all Texas A&M students. Participants may enter up to two pieces in any of the following categories: digital artwork, painting, drawing, mixed media.

Cash Prizes: Best of show $100, second place $50, and third place $25.

Submission deadline is March 4. 
More information and applications are available at

Concept Craziness

Concept Art WIP

Some quick concept art sketches

Inspiration for Concept

Wooo the Ellers Building!
globular world underwater

possibly Hanging Gardens


Speed Painting

Perspective Lines

Multi-point Perspective

Concept Sketches

Sunday, February 24, 2013




Concept Art

Since the last one I posted, I worked on the two squares on the left more.

Perspective Excercise

Perspective on building.

Concept Art sketches

Here are just a few rough sketches on concept art.

Perpective Analysis

Perspective analysis of a building in London, England. Seems kind of obvious now, but I finally figured out that each building has an individual vanishing point. ^^;