Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Digital Artist: Andy Park

I couldn't find any titles for his work, but both artworks are illustrations he has done.  The bottom is an illustration for the game, God of War.  I don't really look into digital artists so it was interesting to see the way one works.  They usually finish an image in black and white and then add color.  Andy Park originally started out as a comic book artist, but went back to school to expand his knowledge.  He has even worked on The Avengers and True Blood.

 Graffiti Artist: Banksy 
Before I viewed Bansy's work I saw graffiti as a form of social decline.  However, in the book provided in the class he changed my prospective on it as an art form overall.  One claim he made about why streets were so clean was so that corporations can cluster our world with ads.  I love his political statements and how he uses humor in his work.  His work is done in a stenciling technique!

 Traditional Artist: Rembrandt

Rembrandt is one artist I look upon for inspiration.  To be honest, I tried imitating his art style and found it difficult to reproduce the lighting he used in his works.  There are so many facts I wish to say about him, but for now I will leave you with this.  With his self-portraits he was trying to reveal himself as an exercise in self-examination, but goes on to later reveal himself in self-reflection.

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