Monday, March 25, 2013

Concept Art (WIP?)

I'm not sure if it's finished yet! I don't know if the light is right yet (sunset) any suggestions?? Thank you guys!


  1. you should just check out a bunch of these:

    and compare how the light behaves in yours and those.

  2. I would encourage you to take a look at the value of your painting, not necessarily the color. If you put a temporary black and white filter over your painting, it can help you see the black and white values without the color saturation distracting you. Generally, things further in the distance have a lighter value, and things up close to the viewer are darker in value. Lastly, the sun, as a light source, will likely have almost 90-95% white value at least near the center, since it is such a bright light source. I like your composition and Scene choice =) keep it up
