Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Concept Landscapes

A scene from a jagged cliff, overlooking a vast lake and a distant castle.

An organic/cavernous form protruding from a swampy lake.

Rocky clearing lit by a small fire.

Just a few more environments.... These were initially speed paintings that I spent a little more time on and did a pretty quick first-level detail pass. All of these paintings are intended to suggest that they may be from the same "world," but are different environments that might be found. Likely, I will use one of these as my final and bring whichever I chose to a full level of detail. Suggestions and comments are appreciated as always!


  1. They all look awesome! First one is my favorite. Did you just find those tree brushes online?

    1. yeah, i just googled tree brushes and it was the first thing that came up in the search! haha.
