Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Inspiration Artists

           My favorite types of art are ones that employ the use of complimentary colors to create contrast. This is shown in Clint Langely's piece "Scorch." I usually like to include the complimentary color as the shadow or bounce light in my pieces. I also really like pieces that use the intense lighting technique, chiaroscuro. This is shown in "David E Golia" by Tanzio da Varallo, a follower of Caravaggio. My favorite digital painter is Michael Komarck. He is very good at using foreground, middle ground, and background elements in his pieces. His pieces are all either using complimentary color schemes or monochromatic color schemes. I particularly like this piece because it is very simplistic -it doesn't even show the full body of the subject - but the viewer still gets a fell for the story of the image. I also like the way he adds depth to the picture by placing the spear heads in the foreground and the small portion of the castle wall in the background.
"Scorch" by Clint Langely
                                                   "David E Golia" by Tanzio da Varallo

                                                          "Dragon" by Michael Komarck

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