Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First of all is Caravaggio (Michealangelo) of course for his great lighting. Light helps to define forms so that's always good for painting things. I also like the faded look of this.

The second on is by Aleksi Briclot. I like this for the warm colors. She does a pretty good job with the specular highlights and the lighing is pretty interesting considering how many lights she's got going on. The composition is also really nice an simple.

Daren Bader made the last painting. I like it for the color scheme and the light. I really like how the leaping nomb thing stands out and the faded background is really simple and awsome. The troll is also awsome.

Overall I like these for their color palettes and lighting. Also, they all focus on figures and I may want to incorperate battling as an event but I'm not sure yet.

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