Tuesday, April 16, 2013

PRINT TODAY: Your Print is due W 4/17. No printing during class.

Project 3:

1) Post pic to blog:  we will compare that pic with pics of artists you chose earlier.
  Be prepared to point out how your work was influenced by the artist(s) you chose.
  What did you learn that you applied in your work.
  Be specific and clear:  choose a few, the most important: 
  was it subject? composition? character design? interaction between characters? 
  process? line? creating 3D form in 3D space? value range?  color? action and energy?
  lighting?  texture?  emotional content?  other?

2) Print to post outside in hallway for crit.
  Make a flattened copy of your image.  Make into a PDF (although a PSD is OK too). 
  Have them use higher settings in the printing dialog box if possible.

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