Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final WIP

Work in progress of my final... It's a character design for a warrior, still have a fair amount to do (mostly on the face and details) but I'm happy with how it's coming along so far!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam, basically good silhouette, but:

    arms look awkward. You need to tale a reference photo. For example his left arm does not seem to have an elbow.

    His left arm, and right one too, and weapon need to be differentiated from torso somehow....

    Light source is on left. Would there be a cast shadow from torso onto his right arm? Yes, or no depending on where it actually is. Once again take areference shop of character in this lighting, or think it through.

    Do a perspective analysis of the figure. Note that you have very strong perspective at level of feet, which is OK, of course, but just think it through. Where are the other perspective lines on the figure, all going to left vanishing point?

    Would some of that light from the right glint on your sword?

    Not the surrounding from above/around his head. Looks cut off. Woldn't it keep going around as a plane behind his head?

    btw When you are done with all this careful work, you should paint it again as a study based on this: an image that retais the send of gesture of the human hand. A lot of your work this semester has emphasized refinement of the image - great. But the one I love the best is the vertical Project 3 WIP of April 8, which is wonderfully gestural. Sorry you missed the class where I discussed this ;-(

    Good luck on this. Keep learning.
