Monday, May 13, 2013

Work in my office....

HI, Work from the shows was in the Mac Lab for a while where some picked up their work.  Now it is in my office.  Not easy to get it though.  I'll be gone the end of the month through beginning of August, and anyway I'm retiring so someone else will have my office in the fall.  Transitions, transitions....  So I guess you should email me if you are around, or I'll just give them to the viz office or someone for you to pick up in the fall???
Both shows looked fabuloso. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Digital Paintings at Federal Building, F&Sat, c 2-8

Thanks to Travis and Adam and Gary Villarreal for hang show.  Come on by and see some work from the class.  Priscilla, your self portrait with cat is there - took in from VIST show - looks good, as does all the work.  Wish there was room for more.